185 research outputs found

    Assessment of medullary and extramedullary myelopoiesis in cardiovascular diseases.

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    Abstract Recruitment of innate immune cells and their accumulation in the arterial wall and infarcted myocardium has been recognized as a central feature of atherosclerosis and cardiac ischemic injury, respectively. In both, steady state and under pathological conditions, majority of these cells have a finite life span and are continuously replenished from haematopoietic stem/progenitor cell pool residing in the bone marrow and extramedullary sites. While having a crucial role in the cardiovascular disease development, proliferation and differentiation of innate immune cells within haematopoietic compartments is greatly affected by the ongoing cardiovascular pathology. In the current review, we summarize key cells, processes and tissue compartments that are involved in myelopoiesis under the steady state, during atherosclerosis development and in myocardial infarction

    Contribution to the development of the methodology of optimization works and accuracy in land consolidation projects

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    Konačni rezultat koji se odnosi na prvi deo istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji ogleda se u definisanju i evaluaciji modela optimizacije rangiranja opština i katastarskih opština. Predložena metodologija, zasnovana na definisanom modelu, može u značajnoj meri pomoći donosiocu odluke kod izbora opštine ili katastarske opštine za pokretanje komasacionih projekata. Konačni rezultat koji se odnosi na drugi deo istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji ogleda se u detaljnom definisanju i evaluaciji modela optimizacije radova u fazi planiranja komasacionih projekata, koji omogućava ostvarenje osnovnih ciljeva projekata: da se celokupan obim posla izvrši u zahtevanom kvalitetu, u predviđenom vremenu, sa planiranim troškovima i potpunom eliminacijom ili ublažavanjem uticaja rizika na realizaciju projekta.The final result which is related to the first part of the research in this thesis is reflected in the definition and evaluation of optimization models ranking of municipalities and cadastral municipalities. The proposed methodology is based on a defined model can significantly help the decision maker in the selection of municipalities or cadastral municipalities to start the land consolidation projects. The final result which relates to the second part of the research in this thesis is reflected in the detailed definition of the evaluation model and optimization works in the planning phase of land consolidation projects, which enables the realization of the basic targets of this projects: that the entire scope of work perform in the required quality, in the allotted time, the planned costs and complete elimination or diffusing of the impact of risk on the project

    Contribution to the development of the methodology of optimization works and accuracy in land consolidation projects

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    Konačni rezultat koji se odnosi na prvi deo istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji ogleda se u definisanju i evaluaciji modela optimizacije rangiranja opština i katastarskih opština. Predložena metodologija, zasnovana na definisanom modelu, može u značajnoj meri pomoći donosiocu odluke kod izbora opštine ili katastarske opštine za pokretanje komasacionih projekata. Konačni rezultat koji se odnosi na drugi deo istraživanja u ovoj disertaciji ogleda se u detaljnom definisanju i evaluaciji modela optimizacije radova u fazi planiranja komasacionih projekata, koji omogućava ostvarenje osnovnih ciljeva projekata: da se celokupan obim posla izvrši u zahtevanom kvalitetu, u predviđenom vremenu, sa planiranim troškovima i potpunom eliminacijom ili ublažavanjem uticaja rizika na realizaciju projekta.The final result which is related to the first part of the research in this thesis is reflected in the definition and evaluation of optimization models ranking of municipalities and cadastral municipalities. The proposed methodology is based on a defined model can significantly help the decision maker in the selection of municipalities or cadastral municipalities to start the land consolidation projects. The final result which relates to the second part of the research in this thesis is reflected in the detailed definition of the evaluation model and optimization works in the planning phase of land consolidation projects, which enables the realization of the basic targets of this projects: that the entire scope of work perform in the required quality, in the allotted time, the planned costs and complete elimination or diffusing of the impact of risk on the project

    Upotreba biofizičkih metoda radi poboljšanja prinosa i kvaliteta poljoprivrednih proizvoda

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    Until as recently as a century ago, the exposure of biological systems to radiation was limited only to the natural sources. Today, however, a broad range of radiation types and doses have found a wide variety of uses and applications, so much so that it would be difficult to make a list of all the areas of human activity in which radiation is used for one purpose or another. The study of radiation effects on individuals and populations as a whole has become important only with the development of methods and sources of man-made radiation. Given that what is present in this case are physical effects on biological systems (living organisms), all these methods can be placed under the heading of biophysical influences. In the last 50 years, the effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) have been studied with great diligence. These fields are the ones most commonly found in the human environment and they have been used in our studies in this field. The present paper provides a brief review of the literature data and our findings on the effects of ELF-EMF on various crop species using the RIES (Resonant Impulse Electromagnetic Stimulation) method, developed at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad.Izloženost bioloških sistema u prirodi različitim vrstama zračenja, do pre samo jednog veka bila je ograničena isključivo na prirodne izvore. Danas, međutim, oblast primene najrazličitijih vrsta i doza zračenja je veoma raznovrsna, i teško je navesti sve oblike ljudske delatnosti u kojima se ona koristi. Proučavanje njihovih efekata na jedinke ili populacije u celini, dobilo je na značaju tek razvojem metoda i izvora zračenja koje je čovek stvorio. Obzirom da se radi o fizičkim dejstvima na biološke sisteme, tj. žive organizme, sve ove metode mogu se svrstati u domen biofizičkih delovanja. U poslednjih pedesetak godina se sa posebnom pažnjom ispituje uticaj EMF- a (Electromagnetic Field) ekstremno niskih frekvencija (ELF - Extemely Low Frequency), koja se najčešće nalaze u čovekovom okruženju, a koja se primenjuju i u našim ispitivanjima. U radu će biti dat kratak pregled dosadašnjih rezultata istraživanja autora i literaturnih podataka o dejstvu elektromagnetnog polja niskih frekvencija na gajene biljne vrste, primenom metode Rezonantno-Impulsne Elektromagnetne Stimulacije (RIES), razrađene na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu u Novom Sadu

    Prvi rezultati popisa stanovništva 2011. s posebnim osvrtom na promenu broja stanovnika jugoistočne Srbije

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    U oktobru 2011. godine u Srbiji je sproveden redovan popis stanovništva, domaćinstava i stanova. To je u poslednjih sto godina prvi popis stanovništva koji je samostalno pripremila i sprovela srpska državna statistika. Kao ni prethodni iz 2002. godine, ni najnoviji popis nije sproveden na teritoriji AP Kosovo i Metohija. Pored toga, Popis 2011. specifičan je i različit u odnosu na prethodni u pogledu novih metodoloških rešenja, načina prikupljanja podataka, sadržine popisnih pitanja, definicije „ukupnog“ stanovništva, ali i zbog politizacije popisa (bojkot stanovništva albanske etničke pripadnosti) i brojnih kontroverzi tokom njegove pripreme i sprovođenja. Prvi deo rada biće posvećen tim, a pre svega metodološkim aspektima Popisa stanovništva 2011. godine. Prvi preliminarni rezultati objavljeni su novembra 2011. godine, a odnose se samo na ukupan broj stanovnika, broj lica u inostranstvu, broj domaćinstava i broj stanova (svi do naseljskog nivoa). Na osnovu zvaničnih podataka RZS-a, Srbija je 1. oktobra 2011. godine imala ukupno 7,1 milion stanovnika, što je, prema Zavodu, smanjenje od 377.000 u odnosu na broj stanovnika u vreme popisa iz 2002. godine. Međutim, zbog različitih definicija ukupnog stanovništva (sa licima koja su van zemlje kraće od jedne godine ili bez njih, zatim sa interno raseljenim licima s Kosova i Metohije ili bez njih) poređenje podataka prvih rezultata Popisa 2011. i konačnih rezultata Popisa 2002. godine nije metodološki korektno, pa je dobijena pogrešna slika promena broja stanovnika u poslednjem međupopisnom razdoblju. U ovom radu su promene u brojnosti stanovništva Srbije od 2002. do 2011. analizirane na osnovu uporedivih podataka popisa iz 2002. i 2011. godine, što omogućuje preciznije sagledavanje razmera depopulacije u Srbiji i njenih neposrednih demografskih uzroka. Prema proračunu autora, stvarno smanjenje stanovništva Srbije iznosilo je 424.000. U radu se analiza odnosi na sve teritorijalne nivoe, prema podeli na statističke regione, odnosno administrativno-teritorijalnoj podeli iz 2011. godine (regioni, oblasti/okruzi, opštine, naselja). Posebna pažnja posvećena je promenama ukupnog stanovništva jugoistočne Srbije, koje je tipično depopulaciono područje

    First results of the census of population of Serbia 2011 and their comparability with results of prior two censuses

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    By the first preliminary results, Serbia had a population of 7.1 million, which, according to the Serbian Statistical Office, constitutes a decrease of 377 thousand persons compared to the size of the population at the time of 2002 Census. However, given the different definitions of total population (with or without persons abroad who have been outside of the country for less than a year, and further, with or without the internally displaced persons from Kosovo and Metohija), this comparison of the initial results of 2011 Census and the final results of 2002 Census is methodologically unsound, leading to incorrect conclusions about the change of the population size between the two censuses. In this paper, we analyze the changes in population size for the intercensal period 2002-2011 based on comparable data from the 2002 and 2011 Censuses, which allows for more accurate understanding of depopulation of Serbia and the immediate demographic causes of this depopulation. According to the authors, Serbia's population (in country) in fact decreased by 424 thousand persons. The analysis concerns all territory levels, according to the administrative and territorial distribution which has come valid on 1 July 2011, and according the Nomenclature of Statistical Territorial Units (statistical regions, districts/areas, municipalities, settlements)

    Metodi finansijske istrage u suzbijanju organizovanog kriminala

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    In modern conditions and on a global scale, the fight against property-motivated crime focuses on the confiscation of assets acquired illegally by criminal activities which prevents the inclusion of such assets into legal financial flows. The authors highlight the importance of methods and modalities of financial investigation in contemporary crime-investigation practice. They allow you to discover the existence and finding of illegal proceeds in criminal activities and provide a basis for initiating proceedings for the confiscation of assets. The use of methods of financial investigation has great importance in the fight against organized and other forms of property-motivated crime, as illegally acquired assets are the economic leverage of criminal organizations and individuals.U savremenim uslovima i na globalnom planu, težište borbe protiv imovinski motivisanog kriminala fokusirano je na zaplenu protivpravno stečenih sredstava kriminalnom delatnošću, čime se onemogućava uključivanje takvih sredstava u legalne finansijske tokove. Autori u radu ukazuju na značaj i modalitete primene metoda finansijske istrage u savremenoj kriminalističkoj praksi, kojima se otkriva postojanje i pronalaženje nelegalno stečenih sredstava, te stvaraju osnovi za pokretanje postupaka u kojima će se takva sredstva konfiskovati. U praktičnom radu, u okviru finansijskih istraga posebno se izdvajaju metod dokazivanja na osnovu neto vrednosti i metod dokazivanja na osnovu troškova. Njihova primena ima izuzetan značaj u borbi protiv organizovanog, kao i drugih formi imovinski motivisanog kriminala, budući da nelegalno stečena sredstva predstavljaju ekonomsku polugu moći kriminalnih organizacija i pojedinaca

    Metodi finansijske istrage u suzbijanju organizovanog kriminala

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    In modern conditions and on a global scale, the fight against property-motivated crime focuses on the confiscation of assets acquired illegally by criminal activities which prevents the inclusion of such assets into legal financial flows. The authors highlight the importance of methods and modalities of financial investigation in contemporary crime-investigation practice. They allow you to discover the existence and finding of illegal proceeds in criminal activities and provide a basis for initiating proceedings for the confiscation of assets. The use of methods of financial investigation has great importance in the fight against organized and other forms of property-motivated crime, as illegally acquired assets are the economic leverage of criminal organizations and individuals.U savremenim uslovima i na globalnom planu, težište borbe protiv imovinski motivisanog kriminala fokusirano je na zaplenu protivpravno stečenih sredstava kriminalnom delatnošću, čime se onemogućava uključivanje takvih sredstava u legalne finansijske tokove. Autori u radu ukazuju na značaj i modalitete primene metoda finansijske istrage u savremenoj kriminalističkoj praksi, kojima se otkriva postojanje i pronalaženje nelegalno stečenih sredstava, te stvaraju osnovi za pokretanje postupaka u kojima će se takva sredstva konfiskovati. U praktičnom radu, u okviru finansijskih istraga posebno se izdvajaju metod dokazivanja na osnovu neto vrednosti i metod dokazivanja na osnovu troškova. Njihova primena ima izuzetan značaj u borbi protiv organizovanog, kao i drugih formi imovinski motivisanog kriminala, budući da nelegalno stečena sredstva predstavljaju ekonomsku polugu moći kriminalnih organizacija i pojedinaca

    Modelling and simulation of dynamic behaviour of electric motor driven mechanisms

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    Članak preispituje pojednostavnjene ekvivalentne torzijske modele kao učinkoviti pristup modeliranju i simuliranju dinamičkog ponašanja mehanizama pogonjenih elektromotorom. Naglasak je stavljen na početnu fazu konstruiranja. Gibanje masa je opisano pomoću sustava nehomogenih diferencijalnih jednadžbi drugog reda. Rješenje donosi zakon gibanja kao i funkciju momenta u elastičnim vezama između masa. Posebna pozornost posvećena je preciznom modeliranju karakteristika elektromotora i sila otpora koje djeluju na izvršne dijelove pogonskih mehanizama. Također se razmatra stohastička priroda sila otpora. Cilj je pokazati da kombinacija pojednostavnjenog modela s točnim opisom pogona i opterećenja momentima proizvodi zadovoljavajuće rezultate, koji su, dakle, korisni u unapređivanju procesa konstruiranja. Dva primjera koji uključuju pogonske mehanizme dizalice i rotorskog bagera ilustriraju pristup.The paper reviews simplified equivalent torsional models as an efficient approach to modelling and simulating dynamic behaviour of electric motor driven mechanisms. The focus is put on preliminary design phase. Motion of the masses is described by a system of second-order non-homogeneous differential equations. The solution yields the law of motion as well as the torque function in the elastic bonds between the masses. Special attention is dedicated to accurate modelling of electric motor characteristics and resistant forces acting on executive parts of drive mechanisms. Stochastic nature of resistant forces is also considered. The aim is to demonstrate that the combination of a simplified model with an accurate description of drive and load torques produces satisfactory results, which are, therefore, useful in furthering the design process. Two examples involving drive mechanisms of a crane and a bucket-wheel excavator illustrate the approach


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    Abstract. To test our premise of positive impact of sport activities on psychological health of persons with disability, which implies the ability of their thoughts and feelings control, we compared profile of their specific psychological characteristics profile of athletes of persons with disability (N=12) and without disabilities (N=12). Results this pilot study indicate that there is only one significant difference between top athletes with and without disability, only in achievement under pressure (F=4.655, p=.043). Psychological profile of athletes with disability is very similar to the profile of athletes without it, which proves that sport positively contribute their psychical strength making them equally ready for top results in sport as athletes without disabilities. Practicing sport has positive impact not only on sport Self-confidence (SCI) but on Global Self-Esteem (GSE) of athletes with disabilities. Their competitive anxiety is optimized (SCATr) and their psychological skills for overcoming stress are improved (ACSI28), so they are not different from their peers without disabilities. The age in athletes with disabilities is significantly in positive correlation with strength of their global self-esteem (r= .88, p= .001), with self-confidence and motivation for achievement in sport ACSI-coam (r= .67, p= .023) and negatively with their competition anxiety (r= -.65, p= .022). We can conclude that with growth of their competitive experience grows their sport confidence, especially psychological resilience (r=.64, p=.45). Key words. sport, disability, psychological characteristics specific for spor